How To make A computer Screen Disco Light..By Vaibhav Sengar

 My YouTube Channel For other Requirements:

 Vaibhav's Teknow  

If you Want To Impress your Friends or Your Family So Start Creating An Disco Project...

step-1 : Open Notepad 

step-2 : Copy This Code

@echo off


color 10

ping localhost -n 0 >nul 

color 20

ping localhost -n 0 >nul 

color 30

ping localhost -n 0 >nul 

color 40

ping localhost -n 0 >nul 

color 50

ping localhost -n 0 >nul 

color 60

ping localhost -n 0 >nul 

goto start

step-3 : After Copying This Codes You Have To Write A name With Extension .bat Like This Image